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Updated almost 14 years ago, 01/06/2011
Role of the realtor during the short sale process?
I wanted to get a general idea out there what the role of the realtor is during the short sale process besides the listing of the property?
I'm working with a realtor on a short sale and she doesn't seem to be very proactive or involved in the process. I always have to call her and ask what's going on. I told her that she was put on the authorization to release information form so I figured she would take the bull by the horns and get down to it. Not the case.
We had a BPO cancelled on the subject property due to a snowstorm. I called the realtor to ask her was the BPO re-scheduled. She said she was waiting for them to call her to get it rescheduled. A few days later I called again to see if the reschedule date had been set. She responded that the attorney has to set the reschedule date since she's handling the short sale.
I eventually called the lender and asked for a re-schedule of the BPO. The lender responded that they would just go with an exterior BPO. (Not sure if that's a good thing, more about that in another post).
Maybe I set my expectations to high regarding the realtors role in the process. I did the basics. (Find the seller, get them to sign a listing agreement with the realtor, schedule a BPO, etc.) I never took a short sale course. I don't know the fine points of short sale execution from start to finish.
I just know that I have 2 of them currently on my table and I'm doing the best I can to make it to the end with out mucking it up.
I would just like some feedback from you guys about realtor involvement vs investor involvement vs attorney involvement in the process.