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What are So Cal investors up to?
@Ryan Alacon I have been having several investors from California reach out looking to invest in our syndications. Great option obviously if you want to be passive.
@Ryan Alacon Since you mentioned you have a full time job and may want to limited your involvement in real estate investing, as @Scott Morongell mentioned, consider investing via syndications. This investment type is completely passive to equity partners. There're many great markets and various asset classes to chose from, not to mention a lot of deal sponsors to chose from.
Being in another expensive market such as NJ (right next to NYC), I can certainly related to your pain points with the local market. This is exactly the reason that forced me to look into investing in syndications.
Happy to chat more offline. Have questions, feel free to PM me.
@Scott Morongell Thanks for the suggestion. That is on my list to look into. For now, I think I would like to get more involved. I'd still like to be passive, but still have most control over the property. Cheers!
@Ryan Alacon absolutely. If you ever have questions when it comes to syndication feel free to reach out.
Originally posted by @Ryan Alacon:
I hope you get in the water soon my friend!
@Ryan Alacon Your concern is very valid. Property Management is the key to success when investing out of state, It doesn't have to deter you though. If your goal is cash flow and being in CA, your choices are to either go out of state or not invest in real estate. Although there are a lot of horror stories, there are a lot of very good PM's. This is a good place to start by getting recommendations. One thing I would caution you about getting recommendations though is to take recommendations only from people who have worked with the PM for a minimum of a year and who have multiple properties being managed by the PM.