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Updated over 12 years ago, 02/23/2012
How does one list a split-level?
I'm in the process of listing a split-level home. I'm being asked how many "stories" the house has, but I'm not sure how to answer that. The house has four levels (basement/partially below grade level, entry level, bedroom level, and master bedroom level).
Also, the lowest/basement level is fully finished and there is a large adjoining crawl space under the entry level side. Should I be listing this as a "partial basement" that is "partially finished", or should I say it's a full, finished basement to eliminate confusion? I also wasn't sure about how the square footage of the house is affected by this. Do basements count in the square footage tally? I'm also being asked the square footage of the living area below grade. Does the lower/basement level qualify as "below grade"?