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Bob P.#2 Legal & Legislation Contributor
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Population Trends - Where People Are Moving To & Away From Affects Investing

Bob P.#2 Legal & Legislation Contributor
  • Investor
Posted Jul 12 2024, 10:48

I tend to like to invest where there are jobs and where people are moving to


Ranked: Population Changes in U.S. States

A demographic reshuffling is taking place across the U.S., with states in the Northeast and the West seeing shrinking populations. Texas added nearly half a million people, a 1.5% gain, or three times the national average.

2023 2022-2023 % Population
State Population Change Change (2022–23)
South Carolina 5,373,555 90,600 1.71%
Florida 22,610,726 365,205 1.64%
Texas 30,503,301 473,453 1.58%
Idaho 1,964,726 25,730 1.33%
North Carolina 10,835,491 139,526 1.30%
Delaware 1,031,890 12,431 1.22%
District of Columbia** 678,972 8,023 1.20%
Tennessee 7,126,489 77,513 1.10%
Utah 3,417,734 36,498 1.08%
Georgia 11,029,227 116,077 1.06%
South Dakota 919,318 9,449 1.04%
Arizona 7,431,344 65,660 0.89%
Montana 1,132,812 9,934 0.88%
Oklahoma 4,053,824 34,553 0.86%
Arkansas 3,067,732 21,328 0.70%
Alabama 5,108,468 34,565 0.68%
North Dakota 783,926 5,014 0.64%
Colorado 5,877,610 36,571 0.63%
Nevada 3,194,176 16,755 0.53%
Nebraska 1,978,379 10,319 0.52%
Maine 1,395,722 6,384 0.46%
Indiana 6,862,199 29,925 0.44%
Wyoming 584,057 2,428 0.42%
Virginia 8,715,698 36,599 0.42%
Minnesota 5,737,915 23,615 0.41%
Washington 7,812,880 28,403 0.36%
Wisconsin 5,910,955 20,412 0.35%
Kentucky 4,526,154 14,591 0.32%
New Jersey 9,290,841 30,024 0.32%
Missouri 6,196,156 18,988 0.31%
Massachusetts 7,001,399 18,659 0.27%
Maryland 6,180,253 16,272 0.26%
Iowa 3,207,004 7,311 0.23%
Connecticut 3,617,176 8,470 0.23%
New Hampshire 1,402,054 3,051 0.22%
Ohio 11,785,935 26,238 0.22%
Rhode Island 1,095,962 2,120 0.19%
Kansas 2,940,546 3,830 0.13%
Vermont 647,464 354 0.05%
New Mexico 2,114,371 895 0.04%
Michigan 10,037,261 3,980 0.04%
Mississippi 2,939,690 762 0.03%
Alaska 733,406 130 0.02%
Pennsylvania 12,961,683 -10,408 -0.08%
Oregon 4,233,358 -6,021 -0.14%
California 38,965,193 -75,423 -0.19%
West Virginia 1,770,071 -3,964 -0.22%
Illinois 12,549,689 -32,826 -0.26%
Hawaii 1,435,138 -4,261 -0.30%
Louisiana 4,573,749 -14,274 -0.31%
Puerto Rico* 3,205,691 -14,422 -0.45%
New York 19,571,216 -101,984 -0.52%

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John Underwood
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#1 Short-Term & Vacation Rental Discussions Contributor
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John Underwood
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Replied Jul 12 2024, 13:54

33 people per day are moving to Greenville SC.

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Connor Dunham
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Connor Dunham
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  • Anchorage, AK
Replied Jul 12 2024, 14:41
Hey Bob, population change includes net birth/deaths as well and is not migration, which can confound the directionality of growth.

Alaska for example has a birth rate above replacement rate, but barely shows any growth because net migration is negative.

Quote from @Bob P.:

I tend to like to invest where there are jobs and where people are moving to


Ranked: Population Changes in U.S. States

A demographic reshuffling is taking place across the U.S., with states in the Northeast and the West seeing shrinking populations. Texas added nearly half a million people, a 1.5% gain, or three times the national average.

2023 2022-2023 % Population
State Population Change Change (2022–23)
South Carolina 5,373,555 90,600 1.71%
Florida 22,610,726 365,205 1.64%
Texas 30,503,301 473,453 1.58%
Idaho 1,964,726 25,730 1.33%
North Carolina 10,835,491 139,526 1.30%
Delaware 1,031,890 12,431 1.22%
District of Columbia** 678,972 8,023 1.20%
Tennessee 7,126,489 77,513 1.10%
Utah 3,417,734 36,498 1.08%
Georgia 11,029,227 116,077 1.06%
South Dakota 919,318 9,449 1.04%
Arizona 7,431,344 65,660 0.89%
Montana 1,132,812 9,934 0.88%
Oklahoma 4,053,824 34,553 0.86%
Arkansas 3,067,732 21,328 0.70%
Alabama 5,108,468 34,565 0.68%
North Dakota 783,926 5,014 0.64%
Colorado 5,877,610 36,571 0.63%
Nevada 3,194,176 16,755 0.53%
Nebraska 1,978,379 10,319 0.52%
Maine 1,395,722 6,384 0.46%
Indiana 6,862,199 29,925 0.44%
Wyoming 584,057 2,428 0.42%
Virginia 8,715,698 36,599 0.42%
Minnesota 5,737,915 23,615 0.41%
Washington 7,812,880 28,403 0.36%
Wisconsin 5,910,955 20,412 0.35%
Kentucky 4,526,154 14,591 0.32%
New Jersey 9,290,841 30,024 0.32%
Missouri 6,196,156 18,988 0.31%
Massachusetts 7,001,399 18,659 0.27%
Maryland 6,180,253 16,272 0.26%
Iowa 3,207,004 7,311 0.23%
Connecticut 3,617,176 8,470 0.23%
New Hampshire 1,402,054 3,051 0.22%
Ohio 11,785,935 26,238 0.22%
Rhode Island 1,095,962 2,120 0.19%
Kansas 2,940,546 3,830 0.13%
Vermont 647,464 354 0.05%
New Mexico 2,114,371 895 0.04%
Michigan 10,037,261 3,980 0.04%
Mississippi 2,939,690 762 0.03%
Alaska 733,406 130 0.02%
Pennsylvania 12,961,683 -10,408 -0.08%
Oregon 4,233,358 -6,021 -0.14%
California 38,965,193 -75,423 -0.19%
West Virginia 1,770,071 -3,964 -0.22%
Illinois 12,549,689 -32,826 -0.26%
Hawaii 1,435,138 -4,261 -0.30%
Louisiana 4,573,749 -14,274 -0.31%
Puerto Rico* 3,205,691 -14,422 -0.45%
New York 19,571,216 -101,984 -0.52%

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Jimmy Lieu
#1 Out of State Investing Contributor
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Jimmy Lieu
#1 Out of State Investing Contributor
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  • Columbus, OH
Replied Jul 13 2024, 05:39
Quote from @Bob P.:

I tend to like to invest where there are jobs and where people are moving to


Ranked: Population Changes in U.S. States

A demographic reshuffling is taking place across the U.S., with states in the Northeast and the West seeing shrinking populations. Texas added nearly half a million people, a 1.5% gain, or three times the national average.

2023 2022-2023 % Population
State Population Change Change (2022–23)
South Carolina 5,373,555 90,600 1.71%
Florida 22,610,726 365,205 1.64%
Texas 30,503,301 473,453 1.58%
Idaho 1,964,726 25,730 1.33%
North Carolina 10,835,491 139,526 1.30%
Delaware 1,031,890 12,431 1.22%
District of Columbia** 678,972 8,023 1.20%
Tennessee 7,126,489 77,513 1.10%
Utah 3,417,734 36,498 1.08%
Georgia 11,029,227 116,077 1.06%
South Dakota 919,318 9,449 1.04%
Arizona 7,431,344 65,660 0.89%
Montana 1,132,812 9,934 0.88%
Oklahoma 4,053,824 34,553 0.86%
Arkansas 3,067,732 21,328 0.70%
Alabama 5,108,468 34,565 0.68%
North Dakota 783,926 5,014 0.64%
Colorado 5,877,610 36,571 0.63%
Nevada 3,194,176 16,755 0.53%
Nebraska 1,978,379 10,319 0.52%
Maine 1,395,722 6,384 0.46%
Indiana 6,862,199 29,925 0.44%
Wyoming 584,057 2,428 0.42%
Virginia 8,715,698 36,599 0.42%
Minnesota 5,737,915 23,615 0.41%
Washington 7,812,880 28,403 0.36%
Wisconsin 5,910,955 20,412 0.35%
Kentucky 4,526,154 14,591 0.32%
New Jersey 9,290,841 30,024 0.32%
Missouri 6,196,156 18,988 0.31%
Massachusetts 7,001,399 18,659 0.27%
Maryland 6,180,253 16,272 0.26%
Iowa 3,207,004 7,311 0.23%
Connecticut 3,617,176 8,470 0.23%
New Hampshire 1,402,054 3,051 0.22%
Ohio 11,785,935 26,238 0.22%
Rhode Island 1,095,962 2,120 0.19%
Kansas 2,940,546 3,830 0.13%
Vermont 647,464 354 0.05%
New Mexico 2,114,371 895 0.04%
Michigan 10,037,261 3,980 0.04%
Mississippi 2,939,690 762 0.03%
Alaska 733,406 130 0.02%
Pennsylvania 12,961,683 -10,408 -0.08%
Oregon 4,233,358 -6,021 -0.14%
California 38,965,193 -75,423 -0.19%
West Virginia 1,770,071 -3,964 -0.22%
Illinois 12,549,689 -32,826 -0.26%
Hawaii 1,435,138 -4,261 -0.30%
Louisiana 4,573,749 -14,274 -0.31%
Puerto Rico* 3,205,691 -14,422 -0.45%
New York 19,571,216 -101,984 -0.52%

Awesome data here! As I tell a lot of my out of state real estate clients who invest in Columbus Ohio - you should only buy in real estate markets where the population is growing, companies are moving, and there's tons of appreciation potential! I definitely recommend Columbus Ohio because there's still so many deals that hit the 1% rule, positive cash flowing, and quickly appreciation! Great market to be in!

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Marcus Auerbach
#1 Real Estate News & Current Events Contributor
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  • Milwaukee - Mequon, WI
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Marcus Auerbach
#1 Real Estate News & Current Events Contributor
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  • Milwaukee - Mequon, WI
Replied Jul 13 2024, 05:40

This is an old statistic and a few things have changed. Look at the latest U-Haul migration report. Chicago/IL is growing again. For many years we have seen people move from Chicago to Milwaukee, very few the other way. 

Wisconsin is currently #17 in net migration and we work a lot with relocation clients. When I ask for reasons I get cost of living, quality of live, moderate climate, fresh water access, no natural disasters and moving back to where they were from.

From what I can see the trend to the Midwest is steadily increasing, but by no means as big as moving south.

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Bob P.#2 Legal & Legislation Contributor
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Bob P.#2 Legal & Legislation Contributor
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Replied Jul 13 2024, 10:09
Quote from @Marcus Auerbach:

This is an old statistic and a few things have changed. Look at the latest U-Haul migration report. Chicago/IL is growing again. For many years we have seen people move from Chicago to Milwaukee, very few the other way. 

Wisconsin is currently #17 in net migration and we work a lot with relocation clients. When I ask for reasons I get cost of living, quality of live, moderate climate, fresh water access, no natural disasters and moving back to where they were from.

From what I can see the trend to the Midwest is steadily increasing, but by no means as big as moving south.

Your comment "This is an old statistic" Maybe I'm mistaken but they haven't published 2023 - 2024 since 2024 isn't over yet, But, if you have something that covers the country for all of 2024, I'd love to see it. Sometimes I get so busy helping people buy properties I lose track of time. ;-)

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Marcus Auerbach
#1 Real Estate News & Current Events Contributor
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  • Milwaukee - Mequon, WI
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Marcus Auerbach
#1 Real Estate News & Current Events Contributor
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  • Milwaukee - Mequon, WI
Replied Jul 14 2024, 06:28

You are right @Bob P.. Must have read it before my coffee kicked in...