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Ashley Rudd
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Help picking a brokerage that fits my needs as a new agent but primarily an investor.

Ashley Rudd
Posted Jul 24 2024, 13:43

Hi! I really need some help from my fellow seasoned salespersons. My goal is to become an investor of multifamily properties. I am looking to buy my first four-plex within the year. I recently got licensed for the benefits of MLS access and potential use of my commission for a downpayment (Fannie Mae). I have absolutely no idea where to hang my license. I would prefer to hang it somewhere where they work with investors so I can gain experience before my first transaction. Honestly, I do not have a lot of guidance and am overwhelmed by this whole process. I work full time at my current job and need somewhere I can hang my license that might also be beneficial but not require the world of me.

Thank you!

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Andy Eakes
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  • San Diego, CA
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Andy Eakes
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  • San Diego, CA
Replied Jul 24 2024, 15:09

It's really going to depend on what you're needing in your new business. Some brokerages offer better training like Keller Williams but require more attention. Other brokerages offer 100% commission for a flat fee and might offer some small broad mass training, but you'll have your time. So keep that in mind.

Another more creative way to go about it is looking at the multifamily selling in the neighborhoods you plan to go after. Maybe there's a few brokerages who do the majority of the deals you're hoping to do. You can leverage their brand presence in that particular neighborhood. 

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Ian Hogan
  • Real Estate Agent
  • Worcester, MA
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Ian Hogan
  • Real Estate Agent
  • Worcester, MA
Replied Jul 24 2024, 15:22

If you want to look for an investor focused brokerage or team in a brokerage I'd recommend looking for meetups in the local area for real estate investors or potentially other investor focused agents in the area, you can likely find both of these with bigger pockets (depending the location). That's what I did as an investor first, then ended up joining the real estate team that helped me buy my first multifamily.

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Kyle Gardner
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Kyle Gardner
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Replied Jul 25 2024, 08:13

Hey Ashley, ditto to what was said above. You want a group or someone that knows this side of the market and will take the time to talk to you about it. Plenty of people who say they know multi-family but don't. And plenty that know it but won't take the time to talk with you. So you want both aspects. 

My friend and I have a brokerage and we all sell houses to clients but our main focus is personal investments and building multifamily at the moment. Feel free to reach out if interested. We don't do masterclasses or trainings but get together often to discuss investments.

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Tanner Sortillo
  • Real Estate Agent
  • Phoenix, AZ
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Tanner Sortillo
  • Real Estate Agent
  • Phoenix, AZ
Replied Jul 25 2024, 09:16

Hey Ashley, I went through a similar experience last year.  I knew I wanted to get into investment real estate at some point and wanted to work at a brokerage that focuses on investment properties where I could work with experienced investors and learn how the process works.

I would recommend looking into disposition and/or acquisition agent roles. Multifamily properties in Phoenix are harder to come by than other markets, but you can do some research, go to meetups, and network to find a brokerage that may have a specialty in the area.

Disposition/acquisition roles are much more hands on with investors and investment properties than most traditioanl brokerages, so if that's the angle you're looking for, could certainly be worth looking into.

Best of luck!

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Jake Kain
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Jake Kain
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  • Phoenix, AZ
Replied Jul 25 2024, 13:56

@Ashley Rudd

Congrats on passing the test and getting licensed! I'm happy to share my experiences with you, hopefully it'll lend a little bit of perspective. I got licensed at the end of 2017 and didn't do anything with my license for about a year and a half when I left my w2 and went full time in 2019. I just recently decided to come back to a w2 and I now split my working hours between my w2, investing and being a Realtor. I've been with all different types of brokerages - Revelation (smaller independent), Keller Williams, HomeSmart (100%), Real Broker, etc. Happy to share what I know and what I've learned from each.

Additionally, I co-host a monthly REI meetup. We've been running for over 4 years now and have multiple agents from different brokerages and backgrounds in our community. I am happy to get you connected with others as well. Feel free to shoot me a DM if you want to connect!

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