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Thomas DeRose
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My broker won't sign off on my broker license.

Thomas DeRose
Posted Jul 11 2024, 11:54

I've finally hit the required 3,500 points required for the NYS Broker License and I was planning on filing as a corporate broker. I originally started working with my current brokerage specifically because the broker said she was more than willing to sponsor me later to get my own corporate license once I had the qualifications. She's relatively hands off, pretty much doing the bare minimum to make sure her agents aren't doing anything illegal that will come back to bite her, but that's it. That was fine by me, but I'm uninterested in making her money any longer than I have to. 

Now that it's time for her to approve Supplement A of the Broker Application she's unwilling to sign it, and won't present evidence to the state if and when they would ask for it. I am completely shook and uncertain of what to do! It would crush me to start over at another brokerage, but I really don't know how I can make her sign it. I have some points on Supplement B, but not nearly enough to qualify as all my effort was on closing high-value deals that fall under A. Even if I get her to sign, I really doubt she has kept records of my specific transactions, and my gut tells me she would lie if the state called her up and asked her. 

Any advice or alternative routes I can do to move forward without having to start from 0 somewhere else is extremely appreciated. 

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