9 Reasons We Aren't Poor
Friday, November 24
Wanted to react to Mindy Jensen’s 12 Reasons You’re Poor article.Agree and do not partake of tattoos, cigarettes, brand new cars, leasing vehicles, and don’t get pulled into the “I deserve it” mentality. I’ve always done my own manicures and pedicures as well.Cocktails out are a rare treat, I pr...
Shaving Food Budget to Save in September
Friday, September 01
Currently two tasks are sucking up a good part of my free time – wedding planning with my daughter and preparing to teach Dave Ramsey at church in January. Talk about ying and yang! One is over the top conspicuous spending and one is over the top frugality.To bring both upcoming events into foc...
How Buying a House is Like Wedding Planning
Friday, August 25
Our daughter got engaged this week, we are in the early throes of wedding planning.Came across this lighthearted article about how buying a house is like planning a wedding.My role as mother of the bride is likened to home inspector. I am trying really hard to help the couple see options and pit...
Book Review: Evicted by Matthew Desmond
Friday, August 11
This book was given to all the commissioners of our local housing authority, which is how I came to know about it. Matthew Desmond went under cover, so to speak, moving into the inner city to see housing struggles firsthand. He went to work for a local landlord and followed the stories of his ne...
Review: The Book on Rental Property Investing
Saturday, July 22
I earlier provided some commentary on the early chapters of Brandon’s book, but here’s some thoughts on the later chapters:Love how he talks about giving back and cultivating an attitude of generosity. That is so tightly linked to our why of investing. I also like how he uses the term wantapren...
Tenant Found Own Replacement
Sunday, July 16
A log time tenant called to tell us he was moving out of the area and would be moving out. He had lived in our duplex for 3 years, has taken great care of it, and has almost always paid on time.Sad to lose him but glad to be able to raise rent another $25/month. True market rent is difficult to...