9 Reasons We Aren't Poor
Wanted to react to Mindy Jensen’s 12 Reasons You’re Poor article.
Agree and do not partake of tattoos, cigarettes, brand new cars, leasing vehicles, and don’t get pulled into the “I deserve it” mentality. I’ve always done my own manicures and pedicures as well.
Cocktails out are a rare treat, I prefer to usher in the weekend with a wine cooler on the couch.
We’ve always been proponents of not buying too much house. For both of our last two home purchases, we were prequalified for a lot more house than we bought. We’ve never wanted big entertaining spaces or a ton of bathrooms to clean. And we are actively pursuing another relocation and less than 1000 square feet to live in. And it’s going to be a low maintenance property, because we aren’t good at hiring it out OR DIY, maintenance and cleaning is not our strong suit, with rentals or at home.
Restaurants? That is a bit of an Achilles heel for us. But we’ve been working on it. We are good about meal planning and try to eat our weekday meals at home and our weekend meals out, which is generally 16 meals a month out, about average. But, our monthly spend on dining out was growing, and in August hit $1000. So we went on a low spend food focus for the month of September. September was $575, October was $400.
And we have not yet walked away from our cable bill. But we talk about it, and feels like we are getting closer. Regardless, we do spend too much time in front of the TV. One day when I was home working on miscellaneous stuff around the house I listened to music rather than having the TV on, and I got so much more done by not being tied to the screen. It’s really easy to get sucked into an escapist habit, and not so easy to claw back that time for more meaningful endeavors.
So, I think we understand some of the contributing factors to our wealth, and see a few spots to keep working on.