As we all know we live in this society where debt is encouraged and rewarded than people paying down things all at once. We all know the incentives to keep this ponzi scheme, of the debt bloated fiat system that is no...
Dateline Philadelphia PA
Eviction gone wrong.
Court appointed landlord tenant eviction officer does head shot on knife holding female renter during the eviction.
She was $8,000 behind in rent and present for the ev...
As you know, we live in a society where you get sued for looking at somebody the wrong way. As I am shopping for insurance, I can't help but ask myself, "what is adequate coverage for my owner occupied, 3 family home?...
When you are buying and holding properties and doing the brrrr method what's the best way to protect yourself. Is landlord insurance enough to cover you if a tenant decides to go after you?
There is a plan in Flint to shrink the city by bulldozing areas and returning them to nature and the federal government is looking at the idea for other US cities.
Hello,My name is Taylor Hill and I am an Engineering Consultant in commercial real estate acquisitions and new development. I live in Allen, Texas, but my work takes me all over the country.I heard about BiggerPocket...
I'm trying to have to avoid paying a locksmith every time a tenant moves to re-key the locks. Which locks do you guys use that you can re-key easily yourself? Thanks!!
Is this actually a thing? The community is even referenced here.The Landlords Embarrassed to Be Called Landlords
So I'll probably get some links to older threads, but I can't seem to find them myself for some reason.
After doing a lot of research and looking at hundreds of buildings, I seem to keep coming up with awesom...
Just happened to watch Dateline Sunday night and they did a great piece on Detroit. A recap Detroit economy is going through some of its toughest times. There are rows of vacant, damaged houses with nearly vacant ne...