So, here's an interesting thing I came across recently. I've signed an NDA so can't share locations, addresses, etc. But numbers to a theoretical deal.Like the title says, those are the properties in a nutshell. 17 a...
In France one way that people regularly acquire real estate is through something called a "vente en viager", which translates in English to "sale by a viager". Here is how it works:
This type of transaction a...
I have 1 rental property that I've had for about 4 years now and have had the same tenants the entire time. They started renting the place in November 2012 and in December of 2013 was the first time I gave the cash. A...
I'm looking to buy a SFH, preferably with a detached garage to convert to an ADU.Some houses in Thousand Oaks have detached garages, but Santa Clarita has none. It would be more expensive to build an ADU from the grou...
hi, does any one has a direct number to countrywide asset manager, or in how to get their listings, please let me know and feel free to email me if you want.
My worst loss was $100,000 trading foreign exchange. I made $100,000 one year then lost $200,000 the next.
My worst real estate deal I lost about $25,000 on. Paid too much, rented to dirt bag tenant for way...
So I discovered Biggerpockets about 9 months ago, and because I live in nyc I read the out of state investing book by David greene. Now I feel like even though I understand using a team to help build your portfolio I ...
Hey BP!Just want to toss out a question here about furnishing/staging an Airbnb. I'm researching different options to accomplish this for a couple Airbnb listings I'm looking to potentially post in a couple months.I w...
Most of my applicants and renters have been great, but I've had a couple of guys that have tried to get me to bend my rules, and just generally been unpleasant. I suspect they wouldn't act the same way if I was a man...