how do i add a photo to my post? i just get an error message...
I’m about to list a property for sale in Daytona Beach and I am interested in what apps / services other investors or agents are using to edit photos. Anything AI based / automated would be great. Looking for easy :...
I'm having trouble adding my profile photo, it won't let me. How do I add my photo so that people can see my face?
Argh, I was doing a photo test. Please delete this. Sorry!
(Thought I could delete after the test. My bad!)
I feel stupid asking again but, any one know the details of up loading a photo on BP?
Curious if anyone sends out marketing material after closing a deal representing the buyer, and if so are you hiring your own photographer just as you would with a listing? Trying to get permission from the listing a...
My previous batch of photos of this property aren't the best. They're poorly lit and of low quality but they show the house empty. I have a tenant who is in the process of moving out. I was over there today to take be...
I have been looking at a lot of HUD homes online. Is there a reason that the photos are so bad? They will post just a few, usually blurry and bad angle, photos of each home. It reminds me of the Bigfoot photos, always...
I am taking photos of the phases in my construction projects. Take a look if you like.
We are renovating a private school and a school district office.
Instagram: kdang87