Pet insurance probably isn’t a top priority for you right now. Your budget might have health, car, and home insurance, but pet insurance? Is it really worth the cost? Today we talk to David, an engineer and part-time ...
I just bought a rental property and I inherited the tenants. I just mailed new leases and the contracts say that they are not allowed to have pets.
I know for sure that 2 of the tenants have dogs. What should I...
My real estate agent found a tenant. The concern is he has a 100# Rottweiler! It's my first rental property completely rehabbed with new everything! Should I have a weight limit on pests? Should I avoid aggres...
For the first time I have a tenant who is getting a dog while under lease. Tenant had a dog previously (dog died a few months ago) so I know I can trust them with a dog. We have already said no puppies and our HOA lim...
If I own a duplex, rented one side and lived on the other, and the lease stated no pets (dogs specifically), can I own a dog/pet in my unit?
Hi,My tenant wants a pet for a condo. We typically don’t allow dogs and we would be requiring a security deposit for it. He mentioned he wants it “bc his wife has been depressed recently.” My question is if he adopts ...
Hi what do you all think about having tenants with 4 pets 3 dogs and 1 cats? Please let me know if this is something you have came across and how did you deal with it.
My tenant is requesting if they could have a pet, dog specifically in a condo situation that allows pets
I know that we need to allow for service dogs in is what we put in our ad...We will consider a small pet with a $1500 security deposit and $25/month rent increase (we do not allow dogs in our other ho...
Houseshare/roommate setting.
Had one person want to bring their 60 pound dog. Said it was house-trained, not kennel-trained. Young tenant, probably 20 or 21 years old. Friendly breed of dog. Would you rent to that si...