This topic is really for anyone to answer, but i am asking this as a real estate agentI have always had an issue being able to buy things for myself. Whether it is a reward for a target I hit, achieving something, wha...
So for the last year or so, I have been thinking more about physical health. I’ll be 50 in less than a year. Overall I do not personally know any active, long-term investors that actually smoke. Maybe they are there I...
How many investors out there have let fear of losing money, stop them from taking a gamble on a property? Was it justified or did you end up regretting not making an offer?
Do you guys pay to get popcorn ceilings with asbestos removed? or do you guys do it yourself?Is there any advantage or benefit to having it done professionally and providing paperwork to an appraiser during a re-appra...
It was just a couple of days ago I got this wild idea to invest in real estate. The thought originated as something my husband and I could invest in as a kind of self-paying college fund for our kids! So I'm halfway t...
Real estate is super fun - and most of us are obsessed. But what do you do when you're not real estating?I'll go first. I love to hike, road cycle, and snowboard.
Value is over 1 million I only owe 240k.
I've been reading through the forums here and I've read a lot of posts about how the tenants should have the money saved up to pay rent in an emergency, and if not they should use a credit card or the money in their r...