Tenet left some damage most likely due to a string trimmer on the vinyl siding. Who’s responsible would this fall on? I understand it might be wear and tear item and possibly a Mother Nature “Act of God” is this cover...
EDIT: Siding is VINYL not wood.
About to pick up another rental for myself potentially. The problem is the subject property has a vinyl frame exterior and all the comps have brick exterior, and because of this doesn...
Hey BP flippers. I am currently looking to close on a SFH next week to flip. My question is about trim and siding. My normal houses are so beat up I have to replace everything but this particular house isn't in as bad...
Do you think that changing the exterior wood to vinyl would add value to a property?Are there even any advantages of having a wood exterior?What are the cons?Thank you all
Hi - I'm looking at 2 properties to re-hab which are concrete block exterior walls (in one case 2 story, the other 1 story). One of them has stucco siding, which is "dated" in New England - the other is vinyl.
Hi fellow BP members,I'd appreciate opinions and suggestions from those members who have HOA experience similar to the following:Background: My wife and I own the bottom unit in a two-family home. Each unit has 50/5...
Flipping a property in the lower 200k price range. The existing structure has yellow aluminum siding. I will be adding a 12x24 addition. Should I install metal siding or vinyl? I hear the aluminum is a bit hard to fin...
I am a newbie and just made my first purchase of a triplex two months ago. I was surprised to receive a cancellation notice of my insurance policy after they inspected the exterior of the property. They said that 15% ...
Hi, I am new at this residential real estate investment. Looking to buy my first quad/triplex. I will be living in one unit and renting the others out. When calculating cap, and other deal analysis criteria, none of t...
First Post here. Let me start by saying thank you to all of you for offering your time and sharing your experiences on this forum. I'm happy to be a member and look forward to building solid mutually beneficial relati...