Any recommendations for practice test books/courses to prep for the licensing test following completion of the course? Thanks!
Hello everyone, so I took the prelicensing courses for the broker exam many years ago, but by now have forgotten virtually everything. Effectively it is as if I never took them... Since retaking them all would obvious...
I'm seeking Idaho R/E Exam practice test questions. Would love to find a free PDF.
I just finished all my prelicensing courses, and ready to study for my licensing exam. I'm in Texas, are there any recommended books/ study guides that you feel is best to prepare for the exam? I'm currently reviewing...
I just took the NJ REAL ESTATE TEST and it was SO hard, it was NOTHING THAT I STUDIED. I studied for hours and hours each day. I have no idea what I did wrong. Does anyone have any idea how to study for it, how to pre...
I'm getting ready for my exam, woman from the school I went to says test is open book. Two people who took the exam last year told me it's not. I don't think the woman would lie to me. Thinking maybe the rules changed...
I will be taking my broker exam in two weeks. The exam has 200 multiple choice questions (5 hours long), and I have heard the Calfornia broker exam is tough. I will be flying out from Chicago to take the test so i nee...
Hello Everybody,
I just recently passed all the required tests in order to move on to the next step, which Is taking the CA salesperson exam. I took First Tuesday courses by the way.
I have been studyin...
Hello all, I'm taking my Michigan state exam tomorrow afternoon and even though I've been studying my ass off I'm still a little nervous. I took my class through the Michigan Insittite of Real Estate. What I want t...
Bill bought Bob's house in Georgia, with a down payment of $10,000. Bills tax bill will be $2,000/year with a tax rate of 50 mills. What did Bill pay for the property? the answer is 100,000 but how did they get it?