Not including your referrals. Just your marketing. How much does each deal cost you to get in total.
Example: If you do 10,000 mailers a month consistently and close 2 deals a month as a direct result of the ...
Hello everyone. I have a general question about moving my content to investor carrot. I have two websites that I custom made using ( and I'm really looking...
The Truth About No Closing Costs Mortgages
You hear about them on the radio all day long. "We'll do your mortgage with no closing cost!" And you think to yourself, "Hey, that a good deal." Well you know what the wise...
Im currently putting together my first syndication. The seller will finance $150,000 of $370,000 purchase price. I'm raising $250,000. Im offering 70/30 deal. including a 8%preferred. It seems small to pay for and off...
Hi everyone, Need some advice. I currently have 3 rentals and my offer on a 4th was excepted yesterday 11-19-2024. My dilemma is that one of my properties is worth about $400K and I owe ($40k on a HELOC & $50K on ...
Hello Everyone,
I would appreciate any/all feedback. I have seen a lot of different posts about how to finance your first deal. My thought is, how do you finance you second deal and after? What types of cash reserv...
I hate to ask another question about Quickbooks on the forums but after reading numerous threads I haven't been able to get an answer for my situation.I recently had someone from my CPA's office help me to set up Quic...
Hello BP,Thought I would gather the masses to help my partner and I bug out a deal that sounds a little too good. I would like to accurately estimate ALL of the costs here because we dont know what we dont know. Then ...
This is a would you rather scenario. Its a time sensitive scenario, you can't choose both. 1. Flip, purchase price 110k, needs 40-50k, sell for 199. 2. Rental Porfolio, 5 houses local same town 300k after taxes and mo...
So I’m in the process of doing my first flip this year and I’ve been analyzing deal after the deal & ive been thinking is it really profitable? If I pay $8,000 down for the loan and $17,000 in holding cost & f...