A bombshell NAR settlement could bring wide-sweeping changes to the housing market. After a snowball of NAR lawsuits, the realtor association agreed to settle for a whopping $418 million and make critical changes to h...
With countries like Brazil experiencing an almost $6 Real to $1 US dollar exchange rate due to Covid, not to mention the drop in prices RE due to Covid, properties are looking very attractive. I see great opportuniti...
Good Day All!
First off, I am new to both this site, and investing. I have some ambitions that some might consider lofty, but I've finally snapped out of the rat race mentality, and did so at the ripe age of 39... So...
I believe within three years the Dollar will have tied the all time record for the longest period of time a fiat currency has survived, until being replaced, or reset back to commodities.
Currently, Obama's financial advisors have stated that the high end tax bracket will go up to 39+%. Does anyone think this high end tax bracket might go up to 50%+ or more?
Hi There Experts,We are in a weird situation right now. My wife is currently in contract to buy an investment property. She doesn't own any other property. She is not on the title or on mortgage for any other property...
Since Socialism is the hot topic of the day, I would like to ask folks an honest question.
If you are a conservative, how are you able to support a war in Iraq with such a large price tag, yet be so against helping o...
So, no thoughts on the recent Supreme Court ruling (passed mostly by the Conservative judges) that allows increased spending by corporations, unions and special interest groups for political campaigns.
What do you gu...
Kenya is one of the best destinations in Africa with low cost of living. Kenya has moderate tropical climate from the highlands to the beaches all the year round. Kenya has flexible policy for property ownership. Ther...
In an interview with The Canadian Press, Williams said he went to Miami to have a "minimally invasive" surgery for an ailment ...