Results (3)
Sabri Isbikhene
Investissement immobilier a Cleveland
3 October 2019 | 5 replies
Je suis un jeune français et je voudrais savoir investir dans le quartier, comme Collinwood, le cercle universitaire dans la partie est, est intéressant et n'est pas trop exposé au poste vacant.Tanks you
Leon Doucette
First property purchase coming up
4 June 2022 | 14 replies
Hey BP! This journey I’ve begun a year ago has been inspiring, educational, motivational, and exciting. BP has been crucial to my development through webinars, podcasts, books, and tools. These set you up for succe...
Asset Protection for Novice Real Estate Investor
1 June 2019 | 9 replies
Hello BP Members!I am in need for some honest guidance as to protecting my assets before I start my real estate business. I've gotten some mixed opinions in protecting my personal assets: create LLC vs. purchase more ...