Results (5)
Justin Harding
Acquiring Cook County Delinquincy lists
9 April 2019 | 15 replies
Hello,I'm a newer investor and went down to Cook County RofD and Treasurer office (on clark in the loop) to get eviction, water shutoff and property tax delinquency listing. I started at the FOIA office and was shuffl...
FTX, Fraud, and the Case for Cryptocurrency in 2023
17 January, 2023
Joe S.
Who is investing in their own physical health?
18 April 2024 | 141 replies
So for the last year or so, I have been thinking more about physical health. I’ll be 50 in less than a year. Overall I do not personally know any active, long-term investors that actually smoke. Maybe they are there I...
James E.
It's 2018... someone tell my why these are still thing
14 August 2018 | 104 replies
Can someone please explain to me how, in 2018, we haven't come up with a better process for:1. The real estate title systemBetween title searches and title insurance - the real estate title system is a $15 BILLION com...