I have some free time in-between buying properties and I like to use it wisely. I need some recommendations on books regarding basics of starting a business (beyond a simple sole proprietorship), personal growth/value...
Economic Update
(Monday, February 15, 2021)
I was never a big believer in “Herd Immunity” until now. The term “herd immunity” represents a hypothetical threshold of our population that needs immunity to the coron...
I have two passions one is the study and practiceof Natural Health and the pursuit of "total body Health". The other is developing financial independence utilizing the best investment vehicle there is - Real Estate....
Has anyone used this program for any accounting functions? It appears to be somewhat robust for a free open source application with no fees. You should be able to download install and compare with any other applicatio...
Ok maybe not really. I set my dvr to record all the Flip This House episodes, and I was quite surprised to see 2 old reruns of Armando's show. I forgot how entertaining he is, love him or hate him. One of the shows...
I'm going to skip right over pointing out that in 1997 Obama said Bush was wrong in referring to Iran as a nuclear threat. We all know Obama will say anything and won't get called on it to verify it so that's a pointl...
http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/2/3173f19e-5fbc-11e4-8c27-00144feabdc0.htmlA perennial optimist when it comes to technology, he argues that all that will change. Rapid improvements in artificial intelligence, for instanc...
Why do people not just rent their rooms out to prevent foreclosure? During the 2008-2009 housing crash, why did people not just rent out rooms to prevent foreclosure?Why do people now not just rent out rooms to preven...