If your getting started without cash this is really the only way to invest in real estate. The main way these deals are put together is by owner financing. It's simply this " they carry the mortgage with no down payme...
I am excited to join the Bigger Pockets community. I am a property manager and owner of a property management company here in Richmond, a city in the SF East Bay Area. I am looking forward to net...
I have been running the numbers of an example BRRR to help get my head around this investment strategy and there are a few things I am confused about.Here's a theoretical deal:(ARV * 70%) - Rehab costs = Purchase pric...
Hi every one, im a new member on BP but old member of real estate , developing.We are real estate developing construction company located in Rockland County Ny, looking in right now to get hard money for soft cost fo...
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Hello, everyone, my name is Fabian. I am new in real estate with no experience just t...
Hello all!!!
My name is Hydee and I'm new to the real estate business. I own my own home and I'm looking to own some rental property in Jacksonville, Fl. I want to be able to do this parttime because I have a...
First of all, this is my first post so I hope I'm posting in the right forum. I have been spending the last few months reading as many books on Brandon's List as well as a few others (i.e., Rich Dad, Poor Dad (actuall...
First of all thanks to all the people that gave me advice on advertising. Got a sign in the yard and I'm on craigslist. No less than 5 minutes after post on CL, somebody called my cell. I was laughing and had to tr...
Hey Everyone I have been looking at a few duplex’s in my area, and I have seen a couple that are interesting but when I analyze them the cash flow is not good. I want to give an offer but for a price that works. From ...
hello to all any recommendation for a mentor or training you would recommend in the orlando area highly motivated thank you