When you utilize private lending to purchase a property, do they as the private lender bring the money to closing in the form of a loan or do they cut you a check? Not even sure I used the right terminology here. Tha...
With no experience and no money, we will obviously need to get creative with our financing! I keep wondering, what will ever make a private lender want to trust someone so new to real estate, with no portfolio or mone...
I'm considering a loan from a private equity lender to fix a rental property. --What is a fair interest rate to expect to pay?
-How does it work without giving up the deed?
-What is a good formula?
Two months ago, I started to look for a private investor to rehab a SHF. Eventually I found my aunt who is willing to loan me half of the rehab cost of 50k with 2% interest in the first 12 months. And balloon payment ...
I'm planning on purchasing an investment property in the range of 30K-50K, instead of using my capital looking to borrow from a private money lender. This private money lender is an investor with many properties and i...
Hello BP Community,
I've been looking at a few multifamily properties lately. I'm attracted to these properties because I'm getting out of the military at the end of the year and I need a place to lay me head and it...
Hello BP Community,
I've been looking at a few multifamily properties lately. I'm attracted to these properties because I'm getting out of the military at the end of the year and I need a place to lay me head and it...
I got approved for $250k @ 5% for 30 yrs by a private loan company. I now have to pay 2 points ($5k) for loan fees up front. Since everything was done online by email and a few phone calls I'm not sure if i should b...
I have been interested in real estate for many years now and I know its where I belong. It is the only thing i feel passionate about iv come to learn. I have come to this site to gain knowledge from the experience of ...
I am looking for a strategy to use a private money lender but I will cover half of the cost. I have someone I'd like to work with and we both have HELOC's in our current homes. However, we don't have enough capitol to...