Receiving a cash out loan on an investment property can be a very confusing item. This post is designed to bring some clarity to taking cash out of a property with a conventional loan and help you navigate the someti...
I attended the 3day FB seminar in Houston. I thought it was really good! I am considering doing the mastery program. Has anyone been through the program? If so, is it worth the 25k?
A turnkey home for 100k renting for 1k (1% rule) would net you worse than the stock market 16 years later. I went back through my 1099s and calculated my return and estimated closing costs, federal taxes, capital gain...
Has anyone had any dealings with Ohio Cashflow LLC? I've seen that they have a bit of a presence here on the BiggerPockets forums, including some informational videos that they put up (Yellow Ladder Tip of the Day). ...