Every day I spend some time in the morning getting up to speed on the latest state of the real estate market by reading various news outlets, listening to economists, looking at data around inflation/inventory/rates, ...
After hanging around these forums for about half a year now, I've noticed that the word "Guru" gets tossed around quite a bit, and (understandably) not in a good way. It's a label that tends to be used interchangeably...
Looking to turn $100k into $5k/month in positive cash flow in 1-2 yrs
Hi, I just sold my rental property and refinanced my primary residence. Now I have a bit over $100k to invest and would like to scale into a busi...
A tenant owes partial rent and late fees from prior month. Rent is due Oct 10th, last night she informed me she is breaking the lease and asked if she could ride out the month of Oct, promising to be out by Nov 1, and...
Hey, I am currently a 16 year old sophomore in high school. My passion is real estate, I buy books on investing, watch youtube videos about it all day, got a job at McDonald’s to learn how to interact with people bett...