Listening to people beat up on the young folks for having their student loans paid off. Look at this people born between 81 and 96 are getting poorer while the rest of us are getting richer. What this is really sayi...
Obviously there are plenty of threads discussing the SAFE Act and how they impact Lonnie Deals. I understand that these laws may differ from state to state but my question is a simple one.
I'll make an overly simple ...
What % of Realtors own investment property?A. 10%B. 25%C. 33%D. 50%E. 75%
I'm new to bigger pockets and would like advice on what steps I should take next. I am a new engineer making 76k/yr start. My wife is a psych tech making 45k/yr. Credit score 800.We started out with our first purchase...
Any high performing agents choose to be taxed as an S-corp??? I heard its expensive to manage and you have to do payroll and bookkeeping.
Landlords have a noble mission. We provide safe and clean housing to our tenants, keep homes maintained and reasonably respond to our tenants requests. We provide housing options so that the government doesn’t have to...
Hello! I just moved into a new market and bought 3 low income doors. 1 Single Family flip in a D neighborhood that is just on the other side of an A neighborhood1 Duplex that is 15 years old in a C area that is coming...