Results (10000)
Jorge Vazquez
Why do I hate rentals!
18 October 2021 | 107 replies
After selling rental properties to investors for 20 years, the common denominator why people hate rentals is because they don't like managing the rentals. I always tell investors to spend their time educating, improvi...
19 Year Old College Student Making $18,000 Per Deal
18 May, 2021
Seeing Greene: The 10-Year Real Estate Retirement Plan (Use Home Equity!)
23 September, 2023
The Real-Life Girlboss: How I Built Nasty Gal to a $100M Business
4 December, 2023
Arn Cenedella
Cash flow is NOT king!
10 August 2023 | 127 replies
“Cash flow is king” is a mantra to many. It’s repeated over and over in forums and conferences. I am not a “cash flow is king” investor
Pending one’s stage in life and career, I submit growing equity and increasi...