When working with a hard money lender, how often do you see yourself owing them money after all is said and done?
Would it save you money by doing a 5% conventional over an FHA 3.5% in the long run and on a monthly basis?
I always wonder if it is better to have rentals in areas that seem to be very competitive with several competing units in the immediate area, or better to have rentals where there are very few competing units in the i...
Hello, I am Angel. Is there advice you would give to a wholesaler when dealing with buyers? I have some properties I am wholesaling in Texas. I at times feel like I get more people trying to contact me to J/V the deal...
I’m having success with buying houses with owner occupied mortgages, putting in sweat equity, building an ADU, then repeating that process by renting out the old house and buying another. But I’m wondering how often I...
So I've purchased a property at sheriff sale and they apparently issues you a clean deed and title from the City of Philadelphia, however, do I issue a new regular deed to sell the same property or a special warranty ...
So I'm looking to do lease options in the state of Michigan and was hoping to hear about some of the resources people use to find contracts for different real estate deals in their area.
What should I be looking for when doing a property walkthrough or inspection? How often should I be doing these...
Hey everyone!
Is there any meet ups happening in the SF bay area? I would like to mingle with some other BP people :)
I know that mortgages are often times packaged and sold in bundles to larger banks. Given large Financial Institutions buying real-estate it vast quantities. What are the system that they use to acquire the property. ...