Henry Ford once said, "Failure is only the opportunity to begin again, only this time more wisely."
I believe that is the case here.
As most of you know, BiggerPockets has for the past weeks, been planning a real es...
Hi everyone! I am in a big jam, here's my situation....One of my recent aquistions was a 12 unit apartment building. After the 1st month, I received an astronomical high water bill/sewer. Where I purchased this buildi...
Has anyone else invested with this guy? I got roped into this PEP fund he was advertising by a friend who had invested with him before. The fund was advertised as a boring "preferred equity" fund that pays 10% a yea...
Have you ever been ditched by your Property Management Company because the tenant they put in your property never paid a dime above their move in cost and you dared to question their tenant selection criteria?One meas...
I think there is a pretty easy way to lower prices of housing to some extent.. And that is to do away with Mortgage Broker and have all home loans orignated by the direct lender/ Banks..
I personally bought a home i...