Listening to people beat up on the young folks for having their student loans paid off. Look at this people born between 81 and 96 are getting poorer while the rest of us are getting richer. What this is really sayi...
Hello BP,I started my real estate investment career a little over a year ago. I bought my first three properties within two months of each other. Two of these were turn key rentals and the other was a rental rehab tha...
On December 2, I closed on a 7 unit apartment building. When I made the offer, I saw a lot of things, but the two most common were disaster and potential. Due to the size of the place, the insane income numbers, and t...
I have been trying for years to reinvest $100,000 into some form of real estate and have gotten absolutely nowhere. Because I own my own business and deduct HEAVILY off it, I qualify for zero mortgages, even with perf...
Just an honest question.Besides being able to "retire early" and maybe do a couple international trips a year, why do you want to acquire a massive amount of wealth? I used to fall into this category. But then I switc...
I think with the economy the way its headed there is going to be a need for more affordable housing.
Wanted to hear from those of you who are successful in the C and D class property niche. How many properties do y...
Yesterday was an interesting day. I was at the gym and overheard a gym member talking to the trainer. He as trying to talk the trainer into buying a house. He was explaining his own house hacking experience and how he...