Listening to people beat up on the young folks for having their student loans paid off. Look at this people born between 81 and 96 are getting poorer while the rest of us are getting richer. What this is really sayi...
If you were able to choose from a range of investment mortgages... from those that are currently available in your local market and one that is available to you at 2%, which would you choose?
(accidentally posted in general) So I would like to generate as much feedback as I can on this and I sincerely apologize if a lot of this has been covered in earlier posts. I am a newish investor in Southern Californ...
Every investor I meet, I like to ask them about their thoughts on where the real estate market is headed, specifically in California. People seem to give me answers from both ends of the spectrum. Recently, I spoke wi...
Hello Everyone,
I am contemplating between 2 strategies right now for $100,000 cash I have to invest. I do not want to leverage any property. I like to sleep easy at night and not rest on a house of cards. The 2 stra...
Investor Jim Rogers said "I would not be buying U.S. Real Estate" in a podcast two days ago. He then adds "The Chinese rush to buy U.S. Real Estate is probably a sign of a top in that market." Jim Rogers is a respecte...
In the last few months, I have met a few retiring landlords who were looking to unload their properties. When I looked at the properties, I was really surprised at just how junky they were. They were a bunch of ...
BP Fellows,
When utilizing the Assignment of Mortgage Payments (AMP) or Subject To strategies, is it realistic that a Lender will call the note?
If so, can someone provide a testimonial about it.
In addition, if ...