Did you know that a certain shade of paint can help you sell your home for more? Or that one type of countertop could cause buyers to get into a bidding war over your house? What about the one inexpensive outdoor impr...
I'm a newbie from Canton, GA. I've spent the last few months reading countless blogs, listening to podcasts on every run and every ride to work. Yesterday, I turned in my resignation letter after ten years of breaking...
Is paying off debt or investing (and potentially using more debt) the best way to reach FIRE? The average American has $104,215 in mortgages, student loans, credit cards, and other debt. Where do YOU stand? If the end...
What should you do if you suspect financial infidelity from a partner? Money is a taboo subject in many marriages, and it doesn’t help that some spouses take a hands-off approach to personal finance. As you might imag...
Twice recently people have told me of this new strategy to use a HELOC to pay off your mortgage faster. You essentially take out a HELOC to pay off your first lien, and then use that account to direct deposit your pa...
Is your W2 job causing you to burn out? You have dreams of achieving financial independence and retiring early, but the unrelenting demands of your nine-to-five job are causing you to work around the clock and miss pr...
Are we in a recession? Are we headed for a recession? No one knows for certain, but you can never be too prepared for an economic downturn. Are you saving money? Do you have a plan in the event you lose your job? In t...
Should you invest in multiple real estate markets? How can real estate investors lower their tax burden? And, how do you handle all the pressure and stress that comes with success? These are just a few of the question...