In the realm of real estate investment, the story of WeWork serves as a modern parable — a tale of rapid expansion, valuation fantasies, and the sobering reality check that followed. As investors, we're in the busines...
Source: a groundbreaking move, RXR Realty and Ares Management are charting new territory in Manhattan's office real estate landscape. They've launched a...
A fellow Bigger Pockets member shared this information on another post. I wanted to repost as I am an Investor- Friendly agent that receives inquiries from aspiring and seasoned investors. Both need to understand tha...
how much do you need to start being a private lender
Hi, my name is Jacob
My question is:
As a beginner to Direct mail, what would you recommend for me when first starting out, What pitfalls should I avoid that most beginners endure, and how should I design my messag...
We are currently pursuing deals #7 & #8 (All BRRRRs). These aren't quite the grind that the first couple of deals were, but we're wondering: when do the systems take over and the business become a well oiled mach...
I have noticed over the last year a spike in HOA security deposits. I used to work in real estate and remember whenever had a rental, typically a tenant would be screened and charged an application fee, usually $50-$2...
Here's an accidental landlord trying to rent out my West Seattle (North Delridge) condo after moving out but no luck for 3 weeks. Thought about selling out the condo, but it seems condo market in North Delridge is pre...
Hello my fellow Biggerpockets family,Kris here and i am currently in Atlanta. Ok, so i have been educating myself on real estate investing for a little over a while now. I know the different types of investing and hav...
I'm considering opening a painting company in Western PA. I've heard so many stories from investors on here about how hard it is to find decent quality contractors that SHOW UP! This is not a solicitation or an advert...