In your opinions is it better to buy one property cash and collect additional cash flow each month (Until you have cash to fund your next purchase) or buy multiple properties with 20 percent down payments? I feel as ...
Just a fun post here. I have been a SFR investor for 15 years and now have $2M in rental RE while working a full time career. The cash flow was tight for years it seemed but the snowball of debt paydown is rolling b...
Hi All! I had to share. Against all conventional advice and wisdom, I've just quit my job. My fiance's job brings enough for us to cover are needed expenses and I have about a year's worth of savings built up on top o...
We are currently in the middle of a scam by They have taken money deposited by our tenants and have refused to pay us. They have been very limiting with information and turned their phones off and ...
Anyone have any experience with the cost and options to level sloped floors in an older pier and beam house?
I have had the opportunity to find and work with some of the best property managers (after many years) for our current properties. Over the years we have gone from me just treating them like just a service I hired to ...
I attended the 3day FB seminar in Houston. I thought it was really good! I am considering doing the mastery program. Has anyone been through the program? If so, is it worth the 25k?
I invested in Norada Capital Management and was coming here to connect with others who have invested. Did not receive my payment from Norada this month (June) and just received the following notification in my email....
Are you prepared to do what it takes to SURVIVE this business?Are you REALLY prepared to make those tough calls?Can you push emotion to the side for the betterment of your business?Are you willing to do EVERYTHING in ...