Listening to people beat up on the young folks for having their student loans paid off. Look at this people born between 81 and 96 are getting poorer while the rest of us are getting richer. What this is really sayi...
Hello everyone! I've spent the last few weeks lurking on the forums and am excited to finally make my first post! My question is... do you think it would be worth it to get my real estate agent license before investin...
Hi all, I figured I start a forum post detailing my experiences as a new-ish real estate investor. I've written a couple of blog posts, but it may be better to use the forums as well to generate some active discussi...
Another one bites the dust! We closed yesterday and have officially sold off our 2nd baby, aka our 2nd flip. This project wasn’t nearly as extensive as our 1st, but it was very fulfilling and still learned a ton. This...
Hey everyone. Just wanted to share my success. It is a 32 unit apartment located in Dallas. It was built in 1983 and features 14 one bedrooms and 18 two bedrooms. The kicker about this property is that each apa...
I am not the first person that has mentioned being baffled by what people will post on the internet with their name attached. Here is what an investor posted"I contacted my Realtor and he contacted the seller's Realt...
So my tenant moved in three weeks ago. Per the lease, she has 7 days to tell me what wrong with the house after move in day. A week gone by and I asked if she had found anything. She said no just minor scratches. ...