The Real Estate License Act (RELA) of 2000 is about to sunset. Check out the changes they are making to the RELA regarding wholesaling. How do you think this will affect things?
Excerpt is taken from the article pos...
I’m new to real estate. I’ve been reading tons of blogs and books which have raised a red flag that college education isn’t the only thing I need to be financially free Funny because this is what my poor dad has be...
I am posting this to save anyone else from the hellish experience I had with Brian Gibbons. I am re-disputing it because while American Express was in my favor they said that 'stripe' the payment processor was not and...
I updated my profile because of my move and as I was doing it I was called to take a step and a stand. I have complained about the sketchy coaches, gurus and such but haven't done anything about it.
Every investor I meet, I like to ask them about their thoughts on where the real estate market is headed, specifically in California. People seem to give me answers from both ends of the spectrum. Recently, I spoke wi...
In the last few months, I have met a few retiring landlords who were looking to unload their properties. When I looked at the properties, I was really surprised at just how junky they were. They were a bunch of ...
Hi Everyone!I have an investor who has been investing with me for a long time and he now wants to partner. We have an amazing track record with the investment properties he purchased through me as an agent and we are ...
I want to buy my first rental property but I'm wondering if I should wait until the crash that is supposedly coming. I'm worried that if I buy now, my property will end up being worth half of what I paid after a few y...
My husband and I have not been able to figure out the math on this and I hope that I can get some comments and suggestions from others. We lived in the SF Bay Area and own a townhouse as a rental. It had appreciated a...
More and more tenants and tenant applicants are quick to perk up and claim "I have a pitbull, it's an emotional support animal" as if they have found some fool proof loophole. Some applicants have as many as 3 pitbull...