Results (8095)
Scott Trench
Poll: Landlords - Were You Working Full-Time When you Started?
18 January 2017 | 72 replies
Landlords - Help the new folks out and let them know what you were doing with you bought your first property! Can you get started in real estate investing while working a full-time job? Click Here to Take the Poll!Cli...
Shanice Waller
Washer/Dryer liability or leverage for higher rent
22 August 2021 | 34 replies
A property management company recently advised me to remove the washer and dryer in my rental stating this is more of a liability. If any damage is done to the washer/dryer or damage to property from washer/dryer, I a...
Gordon Starr
Should I hire my own kids to work for me?
22 December 2020 | 34 replies
Hey everyone,I am a sole proprietor with a steadily expanding buy and hold portfolio. My kids are age 8 (son) and 10 (daughter). As a single dad with sole custody, the kids have always tagged along in some way - somet...
From Corporate Cog to 10-Unit Landlord in Just 2 Years!
27 September, 2022
How to Retire Early with Fewer Rental Properties Than You Think
14 August, 2024