As quoted in the Napa Valley Register."As Napa city officials near a possible decision in the two-decade tug of war over 51 homes planned near Old Sonoma Road and Casswall Street, a developer on Tuesday again tried to...
Economic Update (Monday, August 24, 2020)
Its going to take years for our economy to fully heal from th...
Economic Update(Monday, December 7, 2020)
Everyone keeps asking when will Congress pass a new stimulus package that our economy so desperately needs? The good news is that Congress is once again considering severa...
So I found a couple of probate leads but don't know the process. If the house is still under the recently deceased, how do I go about buying the house? Can anyone explain the process? What happens when there is no nex...
I've been in the home building business for about 6 years and know I'm interested in doing land development to sell lots to home builders. I had a engineer look at 56 acres of land and determine that I could get betwe...
Investment Info:
Mobile home note investment investment in Scottsdale.
Purchase price: $1
Cash invested: $25,000
In negotiations with a mobile home park owner (friend of mine) who has a park in Arizo...
Seems like wholesalers are pretty much unlicensed brokers. Whats the difference? A broker is the middleman, is that not what a wholesaler is?
I have had a number of investors that have been excited to take advantage of airbnb with their rental properties and their own homes. Numerous clients of mine and aquaintances have already cashed in on airbnb. Propert...
I keep getting asked why I've come to dislike small multi-families (2-4 units) in my area, and I wanted to make a list to see if maybe I'm missing something. I’m not saying small multi’s don’t make sense in othe...