Do you use one LLC for all of your investment properties or one for each property? If not an LLC, which entity do you use and why? Doesn't the added cost of maintaining an LLC substantially eat into profit, especially...
My Wife and I would like to buy another property here in Ventura County CA near us but we are looking at 7-800K, maybe a little less if a fixer. Do we use all our cash to do something in our back yard which will appre...
I am a little lost. I need to know my next step. I Bought a Condo two years ago, but because of my DTI, I couldn't buy anything else because of the two mortgages I have. I spoke with my friend who is a re...
A reply on another thread made me wonder about something. Mikeoh mentioned fannie mae is showing 5% appreciation annually over the past 50 years on average. The Rule Of 72 says that to find out how long it takes to do...
Hi, I've been providing an ongoing log of my first direct mail campaign (here: At the outset, I thought the weakest piece of this process would be fielding inq...