Listening to people beat up on the young folks for having their student loans paid off. Look at this people born between 81 and 96 are getting poorer while the rest of us are getting richer. What this is really sayi...
Assuming you have a corporate job with employer matching 401k, would you save money for down payment for real estate investment or would you invest in 401k?I understand this question can be answered differently depend...
Coming across this website and the Financial Independence subreddit, I've gotten an itch to increase my rental real estate portfolio to start generating residual income. My wife and I sat down together to look at our...
It seems tough to RE cashflow investing in San Francisco Bay Area.
I know, it's not impossible.
How are you doing it?
What does it take?
Do you have wear several hats like pm your property, rehabbing the propert...
There are pages and pages of discussion and opinions on cash flow markets (midwest) vs. appreciation markets (coasts). What I haven't read so far is a simple analysis of the numbers. Since I actually own properties in...
Ok - i'll admit, the subject line of this post is a bit sensational. I'm not going to jail. Not for this anyway. (But maybe for my killer dance moves.)But here's the question i'll pose to the BiggerPockets crowd. (I'...
Hey everyone!My name is Hilary Catton, and if you don't know me, I am the Director of Customer Success for this amazing site you're currently on, BiggerPockets!My goal is to make BiggerPockets even more accessible, ea...