Listening to people beat up on the young folks for having their student loans paid off. Look at this people born between 81 and 96 are getting poorer while the rest of us are getting richer. What this is really sayi...
Hello, everyone! My name is Greg and I have been talking about real estate investing for the past 7 years. I spent tons of time reading articles and posts, setting goals for myself, and doing...well, I didn't really D...
This is probably not a 100% real estate question but more of psychology question i guess. So here is the deal, one of my very good friend is going through a rough marriage and lately he is been involved in an affair w...
Locations of high concentrations of technology workers are, more often than not, found in coastal cities such as Seattle, the San Francisco Bay Area, Boston or New York and New Jersey. However, there are some places, ...
I see a lot of posts mentioning fairly cheap purchase prices. I've lived in upstate NY, and am now in Los Angeles. I know real estate in upstate NY isn't too pricey, but I wanted to get a feel for some other citi...
Hi BP community!I'm just starting out in REI. I'm looking for thoughts or feedback for me on what it means to be "socially responsible" when it comes to REI and property management. Anyone think I'm being naive? :)I p...
I learned about Gobundance through a couple of the podcasts on BP. They also have a program for individuals with < 1 mil net worth called M1 or march to a million. I am considering joining at 300/ month. Here is w...