Receiving a cash out loan on an investment property can be a very confusing item. This post is designed to bring some clarity to taking cash out of a property with a conventional loan and help you navigate the someti...
Hello everyone!
This is my first post here as I am brand new to both BiggerPockets and property investments.
I have some money lying around in my bank account that's doing absolutely nothing (was made f...
***WHY I AM DOCUMENTING THIS ***Before you read this post I want to explain why I am documenting this deal. I am where I am today because of the selflessness of a few people that had taken time out of their lives to h...
I'm going to sell a condo down in Palm Desert California that I fully remodeled. I want to sell it with owner financing to facilitate a fast sale (lot of inventory in the desert and market time is VERY slow). Asking p...
I've been talking to a few people about this recently, but I would love to poll a larger group.For those of you who have invested out of state - which market did you decide to invest in, and why did you choose that ma...
As the number of investors swell, so do the number of "so called hard money lenders" Since the recession, a lot of hard money lenders, or as I will call them, "pretend hard money lenders" ask you this question. How mu...
My wife and I had been interested in purchasing a rental property for about a year with the intent of making this a business. She's a teacher, I'm an engineer and we have little faith in the future of Social Security ...