Listening to people beat up on the young folks for having their student loans paid off. Look at this people born between 81 and 96 are getting poorer while the rest of us are getting richer. What this is really sayi...
Are you prepared to do what it takes to SURVIVE this business?Are you REALLY prepared to make those tough calls?Can you push emotion to the side for the betterment of your business?Are you willing to do EVERYTHING in ...
I am in the position to go green aka electric thanks to solar, the numbers all make sense to move in this direction. My net out of pocket expense is roughly $14K, finance it with a low payment, and rapidly pay it off....
I was wondering if any on here have successfully used bubbles for structuring seller financed notes. The concept is to get a small balloon payment for less than the full amount of what is owed on the note to meet the...
I'm currently renting in Los Angeles and the rents are super high. I
want to buy a property, but I am a little afraid especially after the treasury department said we are looking at early signs of a recession. I
Good afternoon!I'm a Realtor and RE investor here in Denver feeling burned out after a 5 year push. I've made decent incomes for the past 5 years (80-120k), and invested more than half of it each year in the best, new...
Hi Everyone,Last night I went to a real estate invest presentation.I responded to an ad on Craig’s list and was invited to a presentation. The presenter was really entertaining, he went over the company (Renatus), off...