Listening to people beat up on the young folks for having their student loans paid off. Look at this people born between 81 and 96 are getting poorer while the rest of us are getting richer. What this is really sayi...
Hello, I've been on the lookout for my first rental property in the los Angeles market. I may have found one in Tarzana which I put an offer down on but after reading a book called How An Economy Grows And Why It Cras...
Please read my post before answering willy nilly, but I was wondering why is everyone here so against paying for real estate educational information?
I will preface to say that there are quite a few hucksters...
did anyone catch Prez Bidens comments on how he wants to pass a national rent control at 5% max rent raise ?? my worry is there will be other stips in that if it was to pass.. Or do you all think its just pandering to...
Hi BiggerPockets - I am considering writing a lengthy discussion on how to invest a large lump sum of money effectively. This topic comes up for discussion a LOT here on BiggerPockets, as it seems there are many reaso...
If you had a million dollars and it was the only million you had sitting in a money market account drawing less than 1% per year how would you invest it?
Hi all,We are considering shifting our focus more toward STR, like everybody else :) There are a couple of Caribbean islands that are close to our heart, and that we feel reasonably safe starting out in. Questions as ...
What do you all think about Joe Biden's tax plan and the elimination of the 1031 exchange?Moderator Note: This post turned into a political discussion, which is not allowed per our rules. This thread has been locked. ...
Peter Harris, for those that don't know, is the co-author of Commercial Real estate for Dummies book. I have read it multiple times and I even watched all his videos on YouTube. One day I finally went to his websit...