Hello all at BP! Currently I am nineteen years old unemployed and attending college for the second year. I do have money saved up but all that is going to rent to keep a roof above my head. I am so eager to invest, bu...
Hey does anyone have solar in their rental properties?If so what is the best way to go-- finance or buy it outright? I'm in southern california.
HelloI have a row house in Baltimore that I am rehabbing. My intention is to rent it for section 8. While putting the new ceilings (dry wall) I have noticed that there is no insulation present between the roof and whe...
So I am seeing and hearing a lot of chatter about the coming burst. Do you really think it’s coming soon? If so when? Do you see it affecting Florida terribly?
I have 15 rental units and a primary residence in Frederick & Washington Counties, Maryland. Because they were acquired outright and my cash position has been continually strong since the time of the acquisitions ...
Prices are steady rising and rising, when can we expect this bubble to top and prices drop? I need to team up with some locals in Denver really making real estate moves/investments. I'm tired of feeling stuck in the ...
I'm not sure if everyone is on Twitter or Facebook, but there's been a pretty noticeable movement (usually among among millenials / Gen Z) to bash Airbnb / short term rentals. Everything from "creeper" landlords, to "...
Alright, so I've done some research into Whole Life Insurance and I think it has some awesome benefits. In my research though it seems to be pretty equal between the people who strongly advise against it and for it. O...
In the last few months, I have met a few retiring landlords who were looking to unload their properties. When I looked at the properties, I was really surprised at just how junky they were. They were a bunch of ...