COC Return was low, lowered purchase price slightly, got it above 8%View report
*This link comes directly from our calculators, based on information input by the member who posted.
MULTI-UNIT, property has good cashflow, balance of 174K on building, appraised 4 months ago at 255K. Is there a way to get 40-50K out of the house to purchase a second property? I know a HELOC might not do much for wh...
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*This link comes directly from our calculators, based on information input by the member who posted.
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*This link comes directly from our calculators, based on information input by the member who posted.
Running the numbers on my second rental purchase. Looks like I'm not doing too bad even with conservative estimate!View report
*This link comes directly from our calculators, based on information inp...
i purchased this property at a tax sale auction and fixing it up. I'm not sure if the calculator considers this type of purchase but tried my best. I try to be as conservative as I can. I like this report because it g...
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*This link comes directly from our calculators, based on information input by the member who posted.
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*This link comes directly from our calculators, based on information input by the member who posted.
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*This link comes directly from our calculators, based on information input by the member who posted.
I've been watching this property in my target neighborhood for a while. It's listed for 200K and seems a bit overpriced to me considering the other property I own on the same street. With this report I see that it's t...