Hi all,I am a little curious what veteran STR people think about the current market- specifically, VACATION ONLY MARKETS. By vacation only markets, I mean places where basically nobody is moving for a primary residenc...
I am reading a book on hyperinflation and depression right now. This seems to be a popular target with all of the mess going on so I figured I would try to educate myself some more. The author is a renowned REI auth...
This would clearly be a very risky move, but has anyone considered buying a vacation rental in a vacation based rental market such a Tulum, Mexico? Unlike certain sub markets in the US that are very hot right now due ...
So recently I have taken interest in expanding OOS. I live in Loudoun County, VA and OOS deals, if done properly can provide lucrative returns. Also TK model allows me to invest even by keeping my full time employment...
Has anyone hired an SEO company to help with their site? What KPIs did you use to evaluate them? We hired one in January and I'm just not seeing any results or any real activity on my site. Wondering if it is all a ...
Hello, I'm Lucas Anderson. I've been a huge stalker of the BP community for some time now, soaking up all the valuable information you all have kindly given over the years. Now I'm financially ready and have the time ...