Saint Louis MO has a large list of Post 3rd sales. A local lawyer did a video on the process and mentioned a good starting bid is the full amount of taxes owed, but not interest and penalties.Do you guys agree with th...
How do I find and train a reliable person to buy properties for me in other states?
I am a real estate agent interested in purchasing a HUD 3 family home as an investment property for myself and husband. There is a broker listed for the property. If I bid on the property does it go right to the lis...
So, there you are at trustee auction. Is it reasonable to expect that the starting bid will be low, given the housing market?
If you do bid, and win, are your really expected to just hand the person at the court ho...
I am well familiar with the general procedures of tax lien investment from years of purchasing Tax lien certs in Colorado. But I live in Rhode Island now and I am having trouble understanding one particular aspect of ...
Hello, I have been trying to get answers to my questions regarding a HUD home purchase and I cannot seem to find any answers, however, I have been finding your forums very informative so I figured I would post here an...
No phone or internet or pre-auction bidding permitted. Needed 100% of purchase price on the spot to be paid in full within 10 minutes. Rules of the auction no cash, and no personal checks. Preferred payment was cer...
I recently attended an CT tax sale auction. The bid started around $25,000 and these two guys were bidding back and forth after $40,000. They bid the property up to $60,000 going back and forth. The person who won the...
I am looking at some listings for tax deed sales. here is what i see in one of them:
Judgement Date
Order Issue Date
Case Style
Legal Desc.
To bid at Hillsborough county auction, do you need to deposit 5% of the amount you want to bid before auction? What happen if you don't and end up winning the bid? Can you just run to the court house with a cashier ch...