If you make the right money moves, financial freedom is only a few years away. You can’t spend your entire paycheck on travel, trips, high rent, or entertainment if you want to retire early and have true time freedom....
If you have just $10,000, you can start investing in real estate THIS YEAR, even with ZERO experience. How are you going to do it? In this episode, we’re breaking down the most beginner-friendly ways to build a real e...
The affordable housing crisis is an ongoing challenge here in the United States, but this developer has cracked the code in her own backyard—providing more opportunities for low and median-income households without ge...
Would you buy a house for $100K? That’s right, just twenty-five percent of the median home price in America. Well, we found a couple who does just that, finding fixer-upper properties that often cost less than six fig...
One of the biggest hurdles to rental property investing? High down payments. Most lenders want you to come to the table with twenty to thirty percent down, but with home prices averaging around $400,000, it might not ...