Listening to people beat up on the young folks for having their student loans paid off. Look at this people born between 81 and 96 are getting poorer while the rest of us are getting richer. What this is really sayi...
I'm looking to potentially write an article on vacation rentals and would love to talk with some folks about their experiences with vacation rentals. If this is you, jump in this thread and let us know a brief version...
Greetings BPWhen are the best days and times to cold call sellers?
Context: I have bad credit. My fiancée has good credit. I have proof of income. She doesn’t work. We have 20k in savings, we’re ready to buy. Question: What would you do? How would you actually go about making this ha...
My husband and I recently met a couple who were rehabbing a rental and noticed that they were driving a very nice luxurious SUV, now we learned they have had rentals for 40 years and were ready to begin to sell off s...
First investment property (Texas), currently accepting applications. We aren’t using a realtor, I have a marketing background and have been able to drum up enough interest without one. If an applicant is using a real...
I have a quick question regarding income from rental properties. I am a completely newb as of now, and am trying to learn what I need to learn before I get into anything. I am in Northern VA, and I am looking at possi...