Listening to people beat up on the young folks for having their student loans paid off. Look at this people born between 81 and 96 are getting poorer while the rest of us are getting richer. What this is really sayi...
Hey BP!So In my continued research into real estate investing, I came across Turnkey Investing. They offer a lot of positives for the investor who is just starting out or is looking into part-time investing. I know ac...
New to real estate investing and am looking for a local mentor. I was turned off by the local REIA chapter and am seeing a lot of the "Guru" types on Instagram which is a hard pass for me. I ran into Ryan Kuhlman's ...
I know this may be a weird question to ask on a real estate forum (Im thinking the vast majority of responses will be pro real estate), but I wanted to get some different perspectives from the BP community. I current...
Should we refom health care? Do we leave thing the way they are? Do we pay $800 co-pay per month and then bail out banks? Are we listening to our president or do we disagree just to disagree? Please share how you feel.
I’m 17 and a junior in high school, I want to be a full time real estate investor one day (commercial real estate). When I turn 18 I wanna get my real estate license so I can raise some capitol and start from there. W...
In last nights debate, Vice President Harris emphasized housing affordability, addressing the shortage of homes and proposing a plan to increase housing supply by 3 million units. She also highlighted her background a...
Jumping in to real estate was a well-calculated move. I live in San Jose, and this market is notorious for making people lose faith in their ability to purchase. I bought my primary residence in May of 2017 - a brand ...